Deli Pencil Set: Swatches and Demo

I bought a pencil set in Lazada for 351 pesos. πŸ™‚

What’s Inside?

Everything is inside a white box then there’s a pouch where each tool can be placed. After securely placing them inside the pouch, it can be rolled and secured into place for a ready-to-draw-anywhere-you-want manner.

What excites me is the kneaded eraser because it’s not a staple art material for me. It took me a while unboxing this set because I played time on molding different shapes. The eraser takes any shape the artist wants for creating highlights or putting details in one’s artwork.

Then there’s an ordinary eraser and a cutter blade. πŸ™‚

It’s also my first time to use a pencil extender well, basically I am used on throwing my short pencils when I can’t hold them properly. Most of the time, I lose them. 😌

No need to use my fingers in smudging because I already have my blending stumps!

The charcoal pencils come in hard, medium and soft while there are 16 graphite pencils in different types of hardness and softness. Watch the swatches and a short demo of how to use this pencil set here.

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